Sunday, March 26, 2006

The Wind Cries Mary…it’s a famous line from a Jimi Hendrix song. If he wrote the song today would it have to be the wind cries Mary but sometimes it cries Barry. It’s so important nowadays to be politically correct about everything. Now men want the wind to call out their name. In the 60s when the song was written men didn’t care if the wind cried out their name. They also didn’t have movies about cowboys dating. I guess it is possible for the wind to cry Barry as well as Mary. Would the wind in Mexico cry out Maria? These are questions I sometimes ponder…

Saturday, March 18, 2006

“Being Hip”
I’m getting older and lately I’ve had to admit that I’m not “hip” anymore. Maybe it’s been that way for 20 or 30 years and I haven’t realized it. I used to think that I was hip just because I live in California. Now I think I’m a borderline dork. I read a lot, go be bed early and a few months ago at a workshop I danced the hokey—pokey. Sometimes I still think I still “have it” like last year when I thought about getting a tattoo for a couple of days. That’s what my brother did. He got a tattoo, married someone 15 years younger than he is, and bought a Harley. He’s hip. Mick Jaeger is also hip and he’s older than me. I think that musicians have to be hip. It’s in their genes. I’ve decided that after writing this I don’t care about “being hip”. I’d rather eat bean dip…

Saturday, March 11, 2006

“The Blob” was the first scary movie that I ever saw (Steve McQueen—1958). It seemed so real because I was only 8 years old when I went. To me at that age a rolling glob of rubberized cookie dough made a lot of sense and I was scared. It was swallowing people all over the place and getting bigger and bigger. It must have affected me deeply because I sometimes still worry the Blob will come up through the shower drain and grab my ankle when I’m taking a shower. I especially worry about this when I’m washing my hair and can’t see to well. I always think about my escape--to run to the freezer to get some ice (Blobs hate ice). I also worry if my neighbors would save me if the Blob grabbed both of my ankles and I was unable to run. It might be hard for me to yell out to them to “break down the door; a Blob has me by the ankles and is moving up my legs BRING ICE”. With my luck the neighbors would bring rice and I would be a goner. Do I have the nerve to talk to my neighbors now about a neighborhood Blob watch…?

Friday, March 03, 2006

Changing Jobs…
I’ve been thinking about changing jobs. I’ve been in the same “career” for the past 19 years and I have been thinking about “moving on” for the past 18 years. The last time I talked about it a lot was four years ago. I know that because that was the last time I bought “What Color is Your Parachute.” This time I found a book called “The Career Guide for Creative and Unconventional People”. I don’t always feel creative but I do always feel unconventional (see other blog entries). There is an excellent test that I took online for $9.95 at mentioned in the book first developed by John Holland. My test scores were Artistic 27, Social 22, Enterprising 17, Conventional 9, Investigative 6 and Realistic 2. I guess I am more conventional than realistic. Anyway my Summary Code was ASE which means I could be a good crossword puzzle maker. I thought the book and test were very insightful but I'll be thinking about it for 4 more years to be sure. Maybe 5…